SEND update
As of March 2021, I am working for a few hours a week for Pearson, as a KS 2 maths tutor on Bramble.
Please check out my courses page, as I’m working with the Peterborough Partnership delivering maths courses, of which one is dedicated to teaching children who find mathematics challenging.
Here are some useful documents and web links to useful publications I use. At the bottom of this page you’ll find some activities I use with small groups and individual children.
Useful documents
Springboard files – these are not in line with 2014 UK curriculum. There are some good ideas and activities in these material
Securing Level booklets – – not in line with 2014 UK curriculum. There are some good ideas and activities in these materials
Overcoming barrier booklets These files are not in line with the 2014 UK curriculum but there are some good ideas and activities in these materials.Here are copies of the booklets.
A multisensory approach to teaching mathematics using coloured shapes and pegs. Incredibly effective with primary children and SEND. I have used Numicon with whole classes (ages 4 – 13), groups and individual children. Numicon isn’t just for children who find mathematics difficult, it is a mathematical model for all children.
Here is the weblink to find out more about Numicon.
Talking Maths
This is Liverpool’s ‘What works well’ project for EAL children and has been run by many authorities across the UK for several years.
It is an intervention programme run by TAs with identified children in groups of three.
I ran a pilot project with my LA prior to me leaving in 2011. It was great for EAL and ‘quiet and shy’ children.
I am a trained Talking Maths consultant/trainer
Sandwell Early Numeracy Test
I have use this test lots of times with SEN children. The test will give a raw score, standard score, sub level and maths age. Perfect for supporting report writing for mathematics.
Also ideal for measuring impact of intervention programmes (pre and post intervention)
The Power of 2
BEAM: Diagnostic Interviews in Number Sense (really useful but now out of print. Available through online book sellers)
A folder of short 20 minute tests to determine children’s areas for development.