Vocaculary Flashcards
These vocabulary flashcards were first produced by the Primary National Strategy.
Use to:
introduce new words to a class
have on permanent display
Key Stage 1 teachers may wish to change the font on the flashcards. This may change the formatting or spacing. This can easily be rectified by using the return key to progress flash cards onto a new page.
Click here for a zipped folder of KS 1 flash cards (zip file 47kb).
Click here for a zipped folder of KS 2 flash cards (zip file 54kb).
Click here for a zipped folder of KS 3 flash cards (zip file 119kb).
Vocabulary bookmarks
Teachers find these bookmarks useful.

The bookmarks are produced in Word, so that they can be easily edited.
Each year group has a different box colour, so if you wish to remove the year group, you can still tell which set of words you have given to your class by the box colour. This is perfect for small schools where there may be more than one year group in a class.
The bookmarks contain the contents of the Primary National Strategy vocabulary book. Black text should be known by the year group, red text is new to the year group. Although the mathematics curriculum has gone through many changes, mathematical vocabulary doesn’t change.
You may wish to change all the text to black and add any key words you need for your class or year group.
Firstly, print out the page you need by selecting ‘pages’ on the print range menu and then type in the number of copies you require.
There are several ways to use them…
Copy and paste the contents or pin a paper copy to your planning sheets.
Laminate and place in trays for children to access.
Take the required bookmark with you round the classroom. A perfect aide memoire when working with a small targeted group of children.
Attach key bookmarks with a treasury tag to the back of pupil work books. When children are working on word problems or constructing a problem of their own, they can pull out the required bookmark (like a ribbon marker in a diary) and place it on their working page.
Share the vocabulary with parents by sending home the calculation bookmarks (addition & subtraction, multiplication & division).
Click here for a complete set of reception bookmarks. (Word doc 104kb)
Click here for a complete set of Year 1 bookmarks. (Word doc 121kb)
Click here for a complete set of Year 2 bookmarks. (Word doc 130kb)
Click here for a complete set of Year 3 bookmarks. (Word doc 388kb)
Click here for a complete set of Year 4 bookmarks. (Word doc 266kb)
Click here for a complete set of Year 5 bookmarks. (Word doc 317kb)
Click here for a complete set of Year 6 bookmarks. (Word doc 472kb)
Primary National Strategy vocabulary book
This book was first produced in 1999 to accompany the Numeracy framework.
Page 4 - 7 contains a section on questioning
Pages 8 to 35 contains the required vocabulary lists for EYFS (reception) to Year 6.
Teachers and teaching assistants would benefit from a copy of this book.
I would also recommend purchasing a child friendly mathematical dictionary. There are several on the market. Some organise the vocabulary by area or mathematics, e.g. shape while others prefer listing words in alphabetical order.
Click here for the vocabulary book cover (PDF file 56kb)
Click here for the vocabulary book contents (PDF file 87kb)
ATM Fourbidden Cards
An excellent way to introduce and use vocabulary in the classroom.
There are two sets of Fourbidden cards
Fourbidden (aimed at upper KS 2)
Fourbidden Too (aimed at KS 3)
There are several different ways to use the game.
Younger year group teachers may wish to use key words from Fourbidden or make their own set using blank playing cards.
Schools and individuals can purchase an online pdf version of the cards for just a few pounds.
Click here for the link to the ATM shop.